
A Hike to Remember

A photo from our hike this weekend, I want to remember this day exactly how it was. The fall colors starting to show on the leaves, feeling emotional as I notice how tall and grown up the kids are. I start to think of the times we trucked around on similar adventures when they were itty bitty, now they suddenly seem so grown…I am excited for who they are becoming. This lookout point is their favorite spot, we decide to come back to it one more time before we leave. The kids are so entertained watching the waves crash into the rocks. When a large wave comes and a few drops hit them, they squeal and look back at me with awe and excitement. It was perfect…I was happy and sad and grateful all at the same time. So much going on in the world, a lot on my mind…tears run down my face. Why am I crying? I wipe my cheeks and smile at Emma. I watch how intrigued Hudson is by the water. All of a sudden a woman comes up with her dog, he is smothering us with kisses. She is a sweet woman…there is true kindness in her voice. I wonder if she noticed my tears and I become embarrassed to be caught in such an emotional moment. The dog’s name is Blue and he is blind. He is literally showering us with love. The kids giggle and this moment feels good to the soul. I realize that the Lord really does know just what I need in the moment that I need it. It was a beautiful day. Exploring, spending time together and soaking it all in. I love you forever my precious children ❤️

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