
All I Want In Life

Motherhood is a funny thing.  It is a gift.  It is joy.  It is a deep love that can be felt but can’t quite be explained.  If I could be perfect in one thing here on Earth, it would be to give my children the gift of a perfect mother.  Although I know this isn’t possible, I will try with all of my being to be my best.  But the truth is that I will fall short.  All mothers know this feeling…the thoughts that keep us up at night, that nagging feeling of, “I could have done better.” Learn and keep loving.   Accept grace.  Some days life can look so complicated, but it does not need to be.  It seems the things that bring us the most delight are the simple joys that surround us.   Hudson and Emma-one of my favorite things in life is being your Mom.  I just wanted you to know.

All I Want In Life

When I’m tired and worn out and it’s been a long day, all I want is a snuggle with you.

When life’s distractions bombard me to the point I can’t keep it straight, all I want is to go home to you.

When the world tells me to achieve, find success, do what makes you happy, I have it already…it is you.

When I am an old woman and I’m at the end of my life, all I will want is a last word with you.

When the Lord brings me to full glory one day far, far away, I will wait for you and tell Him, thank you that I could be a mother to you.

So I hope you see that, despite all of life’s affairs-the bustle, the goals, the things to do…you have my heart, it is always with you.

Author: Moll Doll, At Home with Molly

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