
Bombdiggity Apple Dip

This recipe was inspired by a dip that my Mom used to make when my sister and I were little. One day when I had a taste for it, but did not know the recipe…


Creamy White Chili

I have a lot of white chili recipes that just didn’t do it for me. Sometimes they can tend to turn out an off color. Other recipes just don’t have the flavor or kick that compares to a traditional chili. This one, I promise, is packed with flavor and creamy goodness.


Rhubarb Crumble

Rhubarb…the slightly strange, not sure what to do about you vegetable. This recipe converted me from “unsure about rhubarb” to “I LOVE rhubarb!!!”


Cookie Secrets from a Former Sandwich Artist

Melt in your mouth chocolate chip cookies. There are a couple of secrets to getting that soft center with a slight crispy chew on the outside. Here are a few secrets from a former Sandwich Artist herself…